How to Start Soft Drink Business?

How to Start Soft Drink Business

 What is Soft Drink Processing Plant ?

  • Carbonated soft drinks are generally sweet, non-alcoholic effervescent beverages. Some of the most well-known examples of carbonated soft drinks are Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, Sprite, etc.
  • Soft drinks are beverages produced from (mineral) water with sugar or sweeteners. Generally, soft drinks contain carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide has three functions:
  • It provides a cooling sensation: through the evaporation of the gas heat is extracted from the tongue.
  • It lowers the degree of acidity (pH 2.2 – 3.6), slowing down the growth of microorganism. However, other preservatives may be added in addition.
  • It poisons the air that is possibly present above the soft drink, making it impossible for fungi to grow, due to the lack of oxygen.
  • Water, sugar, acid, colouring and flavouring agents are the major raw material used in soft drink production process and carbon dioxide is also used in it. Carbon dioxide act as an inert, non-toxic, relatively inexpensive and easy to liquefy. Ingredients and flavours get differ according to the type of the product. Other beverage products such as flavored water, sports and energy drinks, and ice teas use a similar manufacturing process.

  • The cost of soft drinks production is very low while the demand is surplus everywhere. Soft drinks can make a profit at any price, it is the largest and most profitable market in the larger beverage industry.
  • The most popular soft drink glasses range from ₹15 to ₹20, with 50 to 60% profit margins. If your cold drink agency can sell 300 glasses of ₹15 per day, you can make between ₹4,500 and ₹5,000 per month, which is around ₹1,20,000 profit.
  • India’s population is growing, as is the economy, and as a result, so is the need for food and beverages. The beverage industry in India has a major potential for growth, thus involving in this business would be a fruitful venture.
 Eight steps to follow to start a profitable Soft Drink Processing Business
  1. Create a Business Plan
  • The most crucial component of this business is creating a foolproof business strategy. To do so, you must first perform market research. Recognize the market’s needs and then decide on the specific product you’d like to make.
  • Determine how much money you’ll need to get started. Both fixed and variable expenses must be calculated. Create a strategic collaboration with the cold drink dealers in your manufacturing area and develop a marketing and distribution plan for the product.

     2. Choose a Location for Soft Drink Processing Factory

  • Find a location, where distribution cost is low. The location should be nearer to the suppliers who will supply raw materials to your plant. It also should not be too far from the immediate market where you will be supplying finished goods.

    3. Name your Soft Drink Processing Business

  • Select a name that people can relate to your Soft Drink processing company. Do not forget to check the availability of a similar domain name to the company name. This helps you in creating a website similar to the company name.

    4. Make the Business Legally Compliant

  • In starting any Soft Drink processing business you must obtain the following registration and license from the concerned department.
  • Register your firm with ROC as per the management liability and mode of operation.
  • Obtain Trade License from local Authority
  • Open a current account for a cash transaction
  • Obtain Udyog Aadhaar MSME registration.
  • Obtain FSSAI license
  • Apply for GST registration number.

5. Machine & Equipment for Soft Drink Processing

       The Soft Drink Processing Plant is basically composed of :

  1. Sugar Syrup Preparation Unit
  2. Pulp Unloading Section
  3. Beverage Blending Section
  4. Sterilization Section
  5. Filling section
  6. Clean–In–Place System

6. Cost of Starting Soft Drink Processing Unit

  • It is without saying, the cost and investment will mainly depend on the scale of business and production output. The cost of a Soft Drink manufacturing plant with a capacity of 500ltrs/B is around Rs. 4 Lacs. You also need other machinery and equipment for making commercial paneer production. Furthermore, an area of a minimum of 500 sq. ft will be needed to run the paneer manufacturing unit.
  • Overall, the cost of starting a Soft Drink  manufacturing plant business will be Start From Rs. 5 Lacs For Small small.

7.Soft Drink Manufacturing Process

  • Steps involved in production process:
  • Raw material preparation
  • Clarifying the water
  • Filtering, sterilizing, and de-chlorinating the water
  • Mixing the ingredients
  • Carbonating the beverage
  • Filling and packaging
  • Quality Control
  • Broadly, you can produce soft drinks in two ways. These are premix and post-mix methods.
  • In the premix method, you will need to combine all the ingredients with water in a vessel or mixing tank.
  • In the post-mix method, you will need to add the water at last with other ingredients. This method is perfect for large-scale production.
  • The final task is bottling and labeling. On the label, you must mention the company name, registration number, manufacturing date, MRP, and the class of the preservative you use.

8. Promote your Products

  • Generally, the long-term success of FMCG products depends on the successful distribution network. In addition, you will need to concentrate on tying up with the malls, supermarkets, and retail chains. Overall branding and advertising are a must in the and paneer manufacturing business.

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