Curd Processing Plant

Curd / Yoghurt / Lassi Plant

TechQu is able to provide highest Quality range of Curd/ Yoghurt/ Lassi Processing Plant. We design highly efficient Curd/ Yoghurt/ Lassi Plant that is developed using high quality stainless steel and raw material. TechQu offers complete projects for Curd/Yoghurt/Lassi processing plant ranging from 200 LPD to 10000 LPD. Our expertise in cost effective design, bespoke manufacturing, automation, installation and after sales services has allowed us to be the turnkey solution.

Curd has live cultures and the lactose in the milk is converted to lactic acid by the action of starter cultures and the lactic acid act as preservative for the milk and the low pH (4.5- 5.0) also inhibit the growth of harmful micro-organism, thus increasing the shelf life of the product. Curd is manufactured using single or mixed cultures, Lactococcus cremorisLactococcus diacetylactis, along with Leuconostoc species, Lactococcus lactis, a combination of acid and flavor producing bacteria.
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These bacteria are responsible for imparting firm body, sweetness, and a mild acidic flavor to the Curd increasing its acceptability to the consumer. Most common as well as traditional dairy based product, Curd, locally known as Dahi, is consumed widely all over the world.

Curd falls under the category of fermented dairy product, produced from heat treated milk after inoculation with certain Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in the form of starter culture.

Lactic acid bacteria multiply, grow and produce lactic acid, acetic acid, and carbon dioxide by utilizing available lactose in milk. Some bacteria use citric acid of milk to produce certain volatile organic compounds mainly diacetyl, which is mainly responsible for flavor of Curd.

Due to its rich nutritional profile and high consumer demand, it is commercially produced to meet the market demands. A new revolution in the industrial manufacturing of Curd is using Curd as functional food.

The Curd/ Yoghurt/ Lassi Plant is basically composed of:

  • Milk Reception Section
  • Plate Type Pasteurizing Section / Homogenizing
  • Inoculation Tanks
  • Incubation Tanks for Lassi
  • Packaging Section (Pouch, Cup Packing)
  • Incubation Room (Prefabricated)
  • Curd/ Yoghurt / Lassi Blast Room
  • Curd/ Yoghurt / Lassi Storage Room

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